And thus begins a journey. This site to which you’ve arrived - a vessel, set sail for discovery. To where, you might ask?

I’ve long dreamed of writing a book - a destination that feels as though it’s on the other side of the world. I have no map for it. No navigation systems and you might as well forget any itinerary as I’ve no clue when I will arrive. There is no known path and the terrain is uncharted as far as I can tell. It’s an adventure of sorts, the kind I love most. There’s just me, a pen, and a camera…Care to join?

My intentions here are plain: create a space - an archive if you will - where my ideas, photos, and discoveries become a rough draft for something greater.

Beautiful Days (And How to Find Them):

Even the worst days hold beauty if you know how to look. The beauty is held in the brightest stars at night. It’s heard in the morning song of the birds. It’s felt as a warm golden sun meets your face. It’s seen in springs’ first bloom as flowers paint the hillsides. It’s found in the wisdom shared by the darkest skies and gloomiest of days, or the lessons held by cold frigid days. Awe inspiring sunsets can provide medicine for the soul. Promises for a vibrant future can be gleaned simply from a tiny sapling taking root. In other words, this blog - and my writings - are oriented around the idea that simply learning to Find and appreciate small, wonderful things found in nature (day-to-day) can make for Beautiful Days.

This emphasis has become the bow for my writing and the rudder to my photos - both of which construct the framework for the book I wish to create. It is to seek, to discover, and provide witness to a great beauty that lays waiting to be found outside while bringing that to life through writings and photos.

With so much more to say here of which I will save for the future, and an eagerness to share my work with you while this adventure of mine transpires, I shall set forth.

And thus begins a journey.
